Student Union facilitates to train our future leaders
Student Union facilitates to train our future leaders
放眼教室走廊、成功礼堂、惜福轩、运动场等校园角落,总有一群戴着独特徽章的学生,或认真检查纪律卫生,或用心描绘黑板报,或帮助同学整理仪容,或协助老师管理路队,处处都有他们热情活跃的身影,这群学生都有一个特殊的身份——学生自主管理委员会成员。 Students wearing special badges can be seen in our school campus easily. Some of them are inspecting the discipline and uniforms of students while some are assisting teachers to check the cleanliness and tidiness of the environment. They are the members of our student union!
设立这个学生机构,是秉承了校监林佳霆博士“人人都是明日领袖”的领袖教育理念,以期让所有孩子在骏荣国际学校从小就有机会得到领袖管理能力的启发和锻炼。现设有会长、副会长、纪检部、宣传部、卫生部和生活部等,每学期换届一次,且每届成员均不能重复当选,保证了人人都有机会当小领袖,在增强自我管理的基础上,提高自信心和领导能力。 It was proposed by our school supervisor Dr. Maggie Lam to establish the student union with the educational philosophy ‘Everyone could be leader’. It is also a good opportunity for the training of leadership and self management of our students. The union has different positions including the chairman, vice-chairman, Discipline inspection department, propaganda department, the Ministry of health and the Ministry of life, etc. They have an election for new members in every semester, so that everyone has the chance to become a little leader in the union.
10月9日,第三届学生自主管理委员会的换届复选决赛在成功礼堂热烈开展,此次换届吸引了各年级200多名学生报名参选。竞选比赛本身也是一次学生演讲能力和自信心的挑战和展示。感恩有这样的机会和平台,小小身躯,大大能量,明日领袖从这里出发! The third student union election was held in the hall on 9th October. There were more than 200 student participate in the election and they had to gave a speech and answer questions given by our judges. It is thankful that students are having such platform for their learning and challenge in the school!
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